What could possibly scare a writer who creates demons? Beasts of Burdin author Alexander Nader tells us!

On February 14, 2014 by Aimee

Alexander Nader’s inner smartass couldn’t hold itself back any longer. It manifested itself as Ty Burdin and he just had to share Ty with the world. Thus, Alex brings you … Beasts of Burdin! Alexander Nader

What scares you the most?
Snakes. I’m all Indiana Jones-y about snakes. Luckily, I’m not an archeologist so I don’t run in to them too often, but when I do I go all Tennessee Chainsaw Massacre on them. (Tennessee Chainsaw Massacre is actually a code for: runs screaming like a little girl)

If that doesn’t get you interested in this brand new author, check hi out at all these other places:

Do spelling and grammer mistakes annoy you?
Not usually because I generally have terrible spelling and grammar. Funny to say this seeing as how I’m an author, but English was always my worst subject. The word glower, however, bugs the crap out of me for some reason.

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
I would be a dessert taster/personal trainer/author/mma fighter/guitarist, cause I’m still 12 on the inside and can’t quite make up my mind.

If you could meet any famous person living or not, who would it be?
I would want to me Gandhi so I could see how many times I would have to poke him in the belly like the Pillsbury Dough Boy before he punched me. I’m guessing seven hundred twelve. Anyone want to take bets?

Now, before we get to the last question, let’s look at Alexander’s book …

Beasts Of Burdin by Alexander Nader
Demon hunter Ty Burdin hung up his guns, knife, trench coat and fedora a year ago. Bags packed, hands washed of all demon politics, he’s done. Forever.

In fact, to get far far away, he dragged Nora, his rockabilly secretary, from Miami to the Tennessee mountains where he’s lived a life of peace—if peace can be defined as drowning in scotch and taking private eye jobs to keep the lights on. Jobs for real people. Not demons.

No demons.

He’s retired from that. Remember?

Demon hunters aren’t a dime a dozen, though, and when Ty’s brother asks him for a favor—just one—what’s a brother to do? Agreeing to take down one hillbilly demon shouldn’t take that long. In. Decapitate. Out. Favor complete. Back to the office where Nora and his bottle of whiskey are waiting.

Unfortunately for Ty, staying retired doesn’t seem to be in the cards, and an avalanche of bad luck draws him right back to an agency he despises and the career that nearly cost him his sanity.

This time, Ty has no way out and will have to face his own demons just to survive.

Favorite one-line review about the book

Ty Burdin is a modern day Sam Spade fighting demons.

Favorite 6 sentences from the book

“1. Like the men in black if the men in black were over-bearing manipulative assholes.
2. Her silly proportions and sunk-in cheeks tell me she probably does most of her sweating in surgery waiting rooms and most of her dieting in the medicine cabinet.
3. I don’t usually look at the brand, just the proof.
4. I grab the knife from his hand, raise it over my head, and swipe downward like the executioner I am.
5. We head for the door and bump into a walking pair of aviators and a mustache.
6.Blatantly disregarding the speed limit, and ignoring the burning pain in my shoulder, I manage to make it two-thirds of the way back to Rancic’s office before I blackout.”

Buy it now …

But before you go, one last question …
If you were to be eaten by cannibal, how would you like to be prepared?
Cilantro. That stuff makes everything better. Also, if they took off a section for dessert it would need dark chocolate and a fruit of their choosing.

Congratulations, Alexander! Good luck with Beasts of Burdin!

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