Jonathan Lister, author of Crossroads, prefers simple people. Or complex. One of the two. And I know which! Inside!

On November 19, 2013 by Aimee

Mister Lister here … wrote Crossroads because he wanted to tell a story about family, love and oppression in a world where the supernatural is common place and has been for thousands of years. Simple as that. The rest, though, isn’t as simple! Read on to find out why

Do you prefer the people in your life to be simple or complex?
I think we’re all sort of simple when you get to the core. We experience the same emotions across the board; a fact which binds us together and allows us to share music and art and stories. Your sadness might not be my sadness, but we can still identify it one another and build an empathy from that communion. Did I answer the question?

If that doesn’t get you interested in this brand new author, check him out at all these other places:

Do spelling and grammer mistakes annoy you?
Mistakes don’t annoy me so much as those who think the entire system doesn’t exist. At least when someone makes a mistake, they acknowledge some sort of error. Not the case with the modern cell phone user, oh no. All the decorum has gone straight out the damn window. Yes, you’re texting and that requires a certain economy of language, but come on man, remember the difference between to, two, and too!

Have you ever had your heart broken?
Absolutely, but I think every time it happened I sort of had it coming. Can’t muck around in someone’s circulatory system without expecting some repercussion. Heartbreak in and of itself — while it sucks a ton — is one the better opportunities for learning we have available. There’s a definite tearing sensation involved, but if we’re keen enough to understand the pain, the rift can turn into a growth plate instead of a scar.

What is the most annoying thing that someone could do to you?
Eat something in my fridge that I’d been looking forward to eating all day. It’s the nearest we as modern Americans can come to disappointment on a Greek tragedy scale. Hyperbole? Probably. Side note: Whoever ate my last pumpkin spice macaroon, I’m coming for you. You won’t know the day or the hour, but rest assured, sweet vanilla bean vengeance will be mine. Those were $5 a piece.

Now, before we get to the last question, let’s look at Jonathan’s book …

Crossroads by Jonathan Lister\Werewolf. Bar bouncer. Dad. Standard traits for any self-respecting, reformed criminal, living under the radar in Demos City. For Leon Gray, normal is what he wants—for himself and his not-yet-changed teenage daughter.

Playing bodyguard to crusading reporter David Hastings would totally ruin Leon’s peace, especially since Hastings has hired killers on his trail, pros who know how he takes his espresso in the morning, and where Leon lives.

The payoff, though, would fill up Shauna’s empty college fund, and in a battle between opportunity and ordinary, money wins. He just has to keep Hastings alive long enough to cash the check.

If only he didn’t have to save his daughter, too.

As a budding wolf, she’s piqued the interest of a local pack Alpha—one Leon knows will steal Shauna right out from under him the first chance he gets.

Leon isn’t about to give up on his daughter or Hastings, and will fight for both longer than it took Demos City to see werewolves as equals to humans.

He can only hope it doesn’t take a thousand years.

Favorite one-line review about the book

Story-arcs galore, enough so to leave the reader figuring out which is the bigger problem.

Favorite 6 sentences from the book

“Don’t think I didn’t notice how you don’t have a scratch on you, and your human friends are dinged up like someone used them for bowling pins,” Sills says, combatively. “How’d you get that nice cut mark on your shirt, Leon?”

“Cut myself with a paring knife.”

“That’s a stab wound.”

“Limes are slippery. It looks so easy in the movies.”

Buy it now …

But before you go, one last question …

What Would You Do Right Now If You Had A Million Bucks?
I have four nieces who are in need of college funds and a brother and sister-in-law who could use a vacation.

Congratulations, Jonathan! Good luck with Crossroads!

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