Now I Lay me Down to Sleep on Today Show

On March 6, 2008 by Aimee

To all that know and work with me (Aimee), you know that I am a dedicated member and volunteer photographer for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. As such, I wanted to make sure you had an opportunity to see this story, produced and aired by NBC’s Today show this morning. It is about NILMDTS … not me … but the organization as a whole, from the perspective of one family and one photographer.

I am honored, humbled and amazed to be a part of this organization and am just so thrilled to have this segment produced and aired nationally — thrilled and proud of the NILMDTS organization.

So grab a box of tissues (trust me, you’ll need them) and look at all the amazing giving that is out there.

And for those that wonder if I *really* do this? Yes I do. I have completed over 40 sessions since October 2006, for Duke, UNC, Rex and WakeMed. So yes, I’m active. Yes, I do this. Yes, it’s hard, but it’s beyond comparison … my little bit of time and effort goes a lot longer way for the families that are experiencing the loss.

MSNBC Program on Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

At your service,

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