Announcement #1 — We've MOVED!

On January 1, 2008 by Aimee

As you should know, from the December newsletter (did ya read it??) … Pure Expressions Photography was moving to new digs. We have in fact moved and the old 624 W. Chatham Street address is now empty. It’s sad to see it so empty, but I think if you are to compare, you’ll see that the new place is *just that much better*.

To start, our studio is now one big room! We still have the checkered floor. But now we have pine floors too. We have six different walls — a red, a golden yellow, white, a green rag-rolled wall, a blue linen textured wall and a brown square wall — you gotta see it to believe it. Of course we still have the moveable, removable backgrounds and our seating props. Now though, we also have 11 foot ceilings! So much room in which to maneuver!

Added to that, our waiting area is decked out with a kid are for coloring, reading books or just hanging out, some retail shelves — for that last minute frame you need and a state of the art projection system.

Best of all? Our prices … since this past summer, have NOT increased to accommodate this! We’ve been budgeting, saving and planning for this so that we can keep going, serving the entire town of Apex (and beyond!).

There is so much good as part of this move. Next door to us is a wonderful coffee shop called Booda Beans and two doors down is Hooper’s House! Next time you can’t get away without the kids, drop them off there!

We’re going to have an exclusive grand opening open house later in January, but you are ALWAYS welcome to drop by and say ‘hi’ and get a personal tour! Thank you for making this move possible! We couldn’t have done it without you!

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