Featured Family : Kim & Mike

On August 1, 2007 by Aimee
Recognize this family? Kim, Mike and their two kids joined Aimee in the late summer of 2006 at Pullen Park in Raleigh and again in the spring of 2007 at the new studio.
ramsdellKim and Mike are Charlotte area transplants, having created roots and a base for themselves right here in Apex, where they live and work. Like so many parents, these two deal with all the normal aspects of raising children, though their situation is a bit unique as it’s Dad who is at home with their children… a role many more fathers are taking on in this day and age.

And just where is Mom then you ask? You’ll find her (along with Mike and the kids sometimes) in the office of Ramsdell Pediatrics in Apex. As a pediatrician, children are in the forefront’s of Dr. Ramsdell’s mind, but the children she shares with Mike are her greatest blessing and were one impetus for their photography sessions.

ramsdell Pullen Park, in the late summer, is considered by many, including this family, to be an ideal family photography venue. The scenery and colors were perfect making this an enjoyable experience, especially to someone like Kim, who just does not like to be photographed.

We asked Kim, why then she chose professional photography for her family, “I wanted quality, someone who understand lighting and I wanted professionalism. Aimee doesn’t go for the “say cheese” factor. She sees things in her subjects and then goes for it.”

ramsdellKim needed her images for more than just family use though. As a new business, Ramsdell Pediatrics wants to project a warm, welcoming image and the family portrait, above right, is used in her business materials. Of course, that meant the acquisition of the digital image file, giving her easy accessibility to her image without the worry about any accidental copyright infringement.

Digital images had far more use for this family than just for the business. They were able to share with their family as well. It wasn’t only digital though. Kim displays her photos at home, at her office, on the walls of Ramsdell Pediatrics and she purchased a 16×24 wall portrait because, “I wanted an heirloom piece that would capture the beauty of my children’s youth.”

ramsdell Their second photography session, in the studio, captured some of their children’s most memorable expressions … smelling a flower, relaxing, smiling cheerfully and in a casual, sibling embrace. Collectively these images formed the collage to the left, a story of images that Kim will not soon forget.

As only it can be expressed by a parent, “My favorite photos are of my children just enjoying themselves, seeming oblivious that there is a
camera in their face.”

Kim, Mike, kids … thank you for being our featured family for August!

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