Double the cow…BOYS!

On September 7, 2006 by Aimee

Yup! This go-round there were TWO cowboys. And yes, I’m sure there were two and there wasn’t just a mirror in between. These two, while not certain to be identical, *I* believe are in fact Id! If you’d have looked at my own munchkins at that age, you would have said the same thing about them! Id! Id! Id! 😀

But, I digress. These two were participants in the “Cowboy, take me away” mini-session test for Thursday. They were fantastic participants! If only I’d had an hour to work with them, like I normally do, I think we’d have gotten some good smiles too … not just these intense stares with gorgeous blue eyes.

But heh … who needs a photographer when you have a matching brother?! 😆




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