NILMDTS article in Apex Herald

On August 24, 2006 by Aimee

I am so excited to see this article in the Apex Herald. It means a lot to me and to other photographers that a newspaper would show an interest in the organization … enough so as to do an article about it.

NILMDTS (Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep) is a non-profit organization founded by a grieving mom and a talented photographer that brings professional photographers and grieving families together for one last photo shoot … completely gratis of course.

I, through Pure Expressions Photography, am a participating member, one of 700+ across the country. NILMDTS is not an organization for the feint of heart. It’s emotionally gut wrenching JUST to read through the website, but it’s important and benefits families like no other organization can.

If you would like to read the article, pick up your copy of the article somewhere in Apex. It’ll be on newstands for the next week.

And, if the topic doesn’t appeal to you, then just read it because there is a picture of ME with it. 🙂


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