If you saw it, would you read it? Beasts of Burdin by Alexander Nader #ReadOrNot

On July 29, 2013 by Aimee

If you saw it, would you read it?

Beasts Of Burdin by Alexander Nader

About the front:
This is a kinda creepy cover. I mean it’s creepy but it’s not. It looks normal in most senses, but the hand there kinda makes me go … huh? Is it red for a reason? And what’s it touching? Are we looking through glass to see the dude on the ground? And who’s the dude on the ground? What’s he so sad about? This is definitely not my normal cover, but by the looks of it, I’m guessing that’s supposed to be the case. All I know is: I wouldn’t want to be walking in that alley with that hand coming out after me.

Now let’s look at what the back says:

Demon hunter Ty Burdin hung up his guns, knife, trench coat and fedora a year ago. Bags packed, hands washed of all demon politics, he’s done. Forever.

In fact, to get far far away, he dragged Nora, his rockabilly secretary, from Miami to the Tennessee mountains where he’s lived a life of peace—if peace can be defined as drowning in scotch and taking private eye jobs to keep the lights on. Jobs for real people. Not demons.

No demons.

He’s retired from that. Remember?

Demon hunters aren’t a dime a dozen, though, and when Ty’s brother asks him for a favor—just one—what’s a brother to do? Agreeing to take down one hillbilly demon shouldn’t take that long. In. Decapitate. Out. Favor complete. Back to the office where Nora and his bottle of whiskey are waiting.

Unfortunately for Ty, staying retired doesn’t seem to be in the cards, and an avalanche of bad luck draws him right back to an agency he despises and the career that nearly cost him his sanity.

This time, Ty has no way out and will have to face his own demons just to survive.

Does it match? Front to Back without the in between?

Demon hunter Ty Burdin hung up his guns, knife, trench coat and fedora a year ago. Bags packed, hands washed of all demon politics, he’s done. Forever.

Okay, dude on the cover has a fedora and a trench coat, so is dude on the cover Ty Burdin? I’m going to go with ‘yes’ and voila, we have our first tie-in. Now, why’s he ‘done’?

In fact, to get far far away, he dragged Nora, his rockabilly secretary, from Miami to the Tennessee mountains where he’s lived a life of peace—if peace can be defined as drowning in scotch and taking private eye jobs to keep the lights on. Jobs for real people. Not demons.

Oh, so dude on the cover has issues. No going from Miami to Tennessee makes me seriously wonder. 1) who in their right mind would do that and 2) why would they bring their secretary? Hmmm….

No demons.

No demons? What fun is that?

He’s retired from that. Remember?

Oh, yeah.

Demon hunters aren’t a dime a dozen, though, and when Ty’s brother asks him for a favor—just one—what’s a brother to do? Agreeing to take down one hillbilly demon shouldn’t take that long.

Ha! On hillbilly demon. So that’s the benefit of Tennessee??

In. Decapitate. Out. Favor complete. Back to the office where Nora and his bottle of whiskey are waiting.

Ouch. On the decapitation. Maybe the whiskey too. Guy is sounding a bit sad though. Makes me wonder what will pull him through. Nora perhaps? Or is that the romance writer in me?

Unfortunately for Ty, staying retired doesn’t seem to be in the cards, and an avalanche of bad luck draws him right back to an agency he despises and the career that nearly cost him his sanity.

Oooh, so he’s going back! Rock on!

This time, Ty has no way out and will have to face his own demons just to survive.

Oooh, he’s gonna fight! Bring it on!

Will you add it to your bookshelf virtual or otherwise? Share in the comments!