Is there always someone else? #sixsunday

On December 11, 2011 by Aimee

Six Sentence Sunday

The following blip is from Hide & Seek which releases March 1, 2012 from J. Taylor Publishing.

Hide & Seek by Aimee Laine

Hide & Seek by Aimee Laine

A sweet, Midwestern, feminine voice reached [Tripp and Lexi]. “You out there? Tripp?” Concern bled through as she called out.

Lexi kept her gaze riveted to Tripp’s. “I think someone’s looking for you.”

There’s always someone else to screw up a great, potential relationship. Don’t you think? Share in the comments!

Little White Lies by Aimee LaineInto The Unknown Cover - Anthology from three authorsHide & Seek by Aimee Laine