The elation of signing a contract continues …

On March 9, 2011 by Aimee

Time to go to Disney?

Time to go to Disney?

I haven’t stopped smiling for 2 straight days. I’m pretty sure my husband thinks I’m nuts … no … not pretty sure … absolutely sure.

It’s just so … cool.

So … exciting.

So … scary.

No, this isn’t some big contract with millions of dollars attached to it. It’s an opportunity. It’s my chance to get my book in the hands of more than three or four readers. To me? It feels like I’ve won the lottery. Yes, yes, yes, it does. But I won’t be heading to Disney any time soon (though my kids disagree and think we should go right now). 🙂

Did you know that 15,000 new books are written every year? And that that number is growing every year with the rise of technology?

Did you know that in the publishing industry, only something like 15% of those ever see the light of day? That’s 2250 books. There may be more than that, but when when we think about all those that are written vs. all those that get published? And the fact that this repeats every year, the opportunity gets slimmer with each book written.

Does that mean I’m part of an elite group? Nope. I’m part of a group of people all wanting the same thing and hoping their lottery ticket contains a few of the numbers. Most writers have the same goal: get published. That I am just a few months away from mine means I will have succeeded, no matter how successful I am once that book hits the actual or virtual shelves.

Just thinking about all this brings my smile back. 🙂 It’s an expression I can’t seem to get rid of, and I hope it stays permanent for the rest of my life.

I’ll fill you in on my progress as I go through regular updates. Follow along.

Smile with me. 🙂