Back into the swing of things

On October 21, 2009 by Aimee

Isn’t that the cliche? For me, that’s exactly what this week has been … getting life back in order. With three kids having survived the dreaded H1N1 and now my husband battling his own version of it, I sit — knock-on-wood — unscathed (or mostly so) in my office catching up.

Work piled up while I was gone — the number of phone calls necessary to catch up was astounding.

Writing sat empty, though with the week’s events (my Grandmother’s passing and subsequent funeral) my story, plot, characters and such for NANOWRIMO evolved quite nicely! I am so very excited, though I promised myself not to begin writing until my current editing is DONE … so 10 days to go to finish Mirage!

Life this fall has not been the norm. Those economists who say the recession is apparently don’t work for themselves. Those that say everything is getting better don’t live where I live. Despite the affluence, our area is hurting and families are bleeding money. 🙁 It’s sad as each day I watch another business shut down and pray, long and hard, that I can keep mine going.

But Fall is here and after it will come winter and from there spring, so somewhere down the line, no matter what happens, renewal will occur … it’ll just take time.

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