Never one for private criticism … I’ve been flogged! :)

On August 7, 2009 by Aimee

There is a really neat website out there called Flogging The Quill.

Several weeks ago, I took the rewrite of the first chapter of Mirage and sent it to Ray (the #1 flogger extraordinaire). That means I opened myself up to the subjective nature of others.

Yes Mirage is still a work in progress. And yes, Mirage is the first novel I’ve ever written. And yes, I am really a photographer.

But you gotta start somewhere, right?

Ray’s analysis made me think about a few things with regard to those first 16 lines … and Mirage … and writing in general.

You, and others, are welcome to vote and post comments on his site (or here if you prefer to comment). You can even email me directly if YOU want to keep your comments private. 😉

Over the years as a photographer I’ve developed a thick skin as they say. You kinda have to when, on a daily basis, your art is subject to the critique of the most critical people out there … parents. 🙂

Now, I’m not immune to hurtful comments, mind you, but I will take the time to learn from all provided comments.

If you would like to read the first 16 lines … go to Flogging the Quill’s page for me right now.

If you want to read the entire first chapter (as it stands right now) it’s online …. Mirage Chapter 1.

I’d love to hear your thoughts (both good and …. well …. you know). 😉