A boy + $20 + A girl = ?

On June 27, 2011 by Aimee

LoveI was a math major in college so the little equation above should be seriously easy to figure out. And, no … this was not some broken up prostitution ring. My son is only 13.

No, June 26th marked the beginning of my torment as a mother, aka the dating years. The first date, in his case—where he went with her to a movie and spent his money on her. Now, my husband and I have suggested he swear off girls because they are expensive, overly whiny and very time consuming. I mean, c’mon… tell me it’s not true. Go ahead. Try it. I dare you. (Note: I am one of these foul creatures, so I know).

For my son (who as of this post is 1 day shy of turning 14) the date was both a momentous occasion and the start of the path that leads to only one place … a relationship. He’s found a (very cute girl who is OLDER than him by 11 months) and is learning the ropes when it comes to what to do and how to do it (whatever ‘it’ may be but not to be confused with it it, because we will not be having that!).

On this particular date, her Mom and sister were the chaperones, but he asked her to go to the movies, and he paid, with his birthday money. I must tell you this is HUGE! because my son spends all his money months before he gets it, so to have saved $20 and to have chosen to use it on something that is not golf, football, candy or junk is a BIG DEAL.

We adults do this, too, don’t we? Aren’t we all still 14 year old girls/boys just figuring things out in our lives? In my son’s case, it’s a brand new relationships. At 37, I’m still figuring stuff out, too. I have the boyfriend/girlfriend thing handled (17 years of marriage) speaks for itself. But there are still moments where I’m that kid, standing in the middle of the doorway, wondering whether or not to enter. How to shake a hand, whether to shake a hand. What to call someone, trying to remember their name when they tell me not to call them Mr. so-and-so or Mrs. so-and-so. And so on.

Wouldn’t it be nice if every interaction we have with folks had a practice session? That we got a quick, ‘get the awkward out of the way’ so we can move on to the good part?

In that vein then, I give you the pre-detail for the first time you ever meet me. Here’s all the awkward out of the way so that when we say our official, first ‘hellos’, it’s as easy as … well … doing just that. This little pre-dating activity comes by way of J. Keller Ford.

Name (the one I write under):  Aimee Laine. Oh and there’s supposed to be an accent over the first ‘e’ in Aimee, but some email and blog programs don’t like that special characters, so I get Aim!e a lot.

Speed date Bio (one or two lines):   Really hot blonde with barbie doll figure. <– that was a lie. 🙂 Instead I’m a … Christian. Wife. Mother. Photographer. Author. Workerbee.

Web Link: https://www.aimeelaine.com (‘cept, are you already here? Do you really need this?)

Next Book, pub date (if any):  Little White Lies – Out July 1, 2011! Wahoooooo!

Agent: Nope.

Real Name or Pseudonym: I prefer Pseudonym, thanks. But here’s a bit of trivia : Every letter in my pseudonym is in my real name.

Most recently read book: Stalk my list on Goodreads or to see books not on Goodreads (like fun not-yet-published ones), check out my own personal list

Currently Reading:  Magic to the Bone by Devon Monk

Next on Your Reading List: Depends on my mood when I finish the above. I have about 15 on my list.

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Three authors living or dead you would want to have dinner with: J.A. Belfield, Nora Roberts, Tina Fey

Jet-setter or armchair traveler:  If I had all the money in the world? I’d BE a Jet-setter. For now, I armchair travel.

Glass ½ full or ½ empty:  Yes it is. Both. Almost always too. I have to fill it up a lot. Especially with the answer below.

Tea or Coffee:  Tea! Unsweet. Iced. And yes, I live in the southern US of A. I am unique.

Live to write or Write to live:  Both. I write for a living, but not fiction writing. I edit for a living, but not for fiction. I write fiction after I write and edit for a living. I think this is a chicken and egg question that my kids will argue is ‘chicken’ first.

When (time of day) I write:  All day long (because of my day job). After 6:00 pm ET for anything fiction related. The fun part about having a day job is who I can incorporate into my fiction. ::rubshandstogether::

Writing soundtrack:  None. Or whatever my kids are saying in their yelling/screams at each other (that can go on and on and on and on sometimes at all manner of volumes, tones and pitches).

Character Inspirations:  You. (Oooh, was that too spooky?)

Plot Inspirations:  Whatever my mind conjures. I don’t actively look for stuff, it just pops into my head. That’s how I shop to. I can do ALL my Christmas shopping for a dozen family members in under 3 hours. Yup. One-stop shopping.

Little White Lies

Little White Lies by Aimee Laine - Out July 1, 2011!

Setting Inspirations:  Google. Remember? I armchair travel.

Plotter (carefully plot books) or Pantser (write from the seat of my pants):   100% pantser.

So, now that you know about me … we’re ready to meet! Right? Or date? (If you answered yes to the 2nd, you need to re-read the part above where I mentioned being married for 17 years).

Back to meeting … your first opportunity is July 8th, at the Little White Lies book launch party. Did you send in your RSVP? Oh, you didn’t get an invite? Hmmm … Well guess what? It’s a come-one, come-all event!

Let’s have some more fun! Copy and paste the speed dating questions above to your blog and link to mine and/or Jenny’s so we can learn more about you!